My Previous Work

Tudor Grange Academies Trust - 12 School Websites

Development and migration of TGAT 12 school websites. Bespoke WordPress theme development and creation of TGAT website content framework.


  • Content Strategy
  • WordPress Development
  • 12 Website Migrations
  • Web Support

The Arthur Terry Learning Partnership - 19 School Websites

Development and migration of ATLP 19 school websites. Bespoke WordPress theme development with simplified workflows for editors.


  • Content Strategy
  • WordPress Development
  • 19 Website Migrations
  • Web Support

Origin Maths Hub Website

Design and development of Origin Maths Hub website.


  • Content Structure
  • Website Design
  • WordPress Development
  • Editor Training

Community Documentation

A bespoke web application which helps document the internal aspects of PHP.


  • Angular 4 SPA
  • Custom markdown package
  • Server management